Keyword: Corporate Fascism

Is Limbaugh Promoting Corporate Fascism? Email Print

With Rush Limbaugh's latest full court press against Barack Obama he has, among other things, sought to link Obama's effort to pass a health care bill with Nazism.

This is dangerous ground for Limbaugh since analysis of Nazi practices, particularly in the realms of propaganda and economics, reveal much more in the way of commonality with the loquacious talk show host than with Barack Obama.

On the subject of propaganda, look at what Limbaugh has been up to the last few days.  He has been referring to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as imams and mullahs.  

Now just what does that translate into?  Race hate against Arabs.  He is using a blanket charge of racism against the Arab community and then linking the House and Senate Democratic Party leaders to terrorism through trying to domineer the legislative process in a dictatorial manner.

Wait... There's more! (622 words in story)