Keyword: Corporate Fat Cat Republicans

Bush's Hollow Boast: "Our economy is doing well!" Email Print

During this Republican controlled administration 75 percent of the economy has been reliant on the home building industry.

Following the stock market's high tech stock crash investors ran for cover.  When the feds lowered the interest rate to the lowest level in 60 years, the housing market took off for the home building industry.

The low labor costs of hiring non-union illegal immigrants, coupled with destroying currency value, provided a formula made in heaven for builders.  Unionized labor demanding a living wage, health care costs and unemployment insurance was always a painful thorn in the flesh of businessmen, whose motto was profits any way you can make a buck.

It worked out this way.  The U.S. taxpayer could fund the cost of educating the children of illegal immigrants along with supplying Medicaid, phenomena that must have been created in some Republican fat cat heaven.  This was a superb subsidization formula for the rich to get richer in the building industry.  

Wait... There's more! (501 words in story)