Keyword: Corporate Lobbyists

Media Snake Oil: We Never Had a Real 2004 Election. Part One of a Series. Why Kucinich Had to Go. Email Print

Dennis Kucinich comes from a blue-collar background and was reared in Cleveland, long an American melting pot with strong roots to Eastern Europe.  He was the oldest of seven children in the Kucinich household.  His Croatian father was a semi-truck driver while Dennis's mother was a housewife with Slovenian roots.

Kucinich's progressive roots as a self-defined Paul Wellstone Democrat have been defined by key quotes from his political career.  One in particular stands out in reference to his political posture and expectations as he declared for the 2004 presidential race for the Democratic nomination.  "You're looking at a guy who believes he can beat a rigged game," the Cleveland Congressman sharply declared.  

A significant element of game rigging is the potent interlocking directorate of the mainstream media connected to the corporate structure with heavy emphasis on the world of lobbying.  

Its chief consequence is the severe paralysis of any semblance of legitimate democracy.  This effort has been enhanced by the termination of the then prevailing equal time rule applied by the Federal Communications Commission.  

Using the demagogic catch phrase of, "Let's get the government off of people's backs" the definitive corporatist president, Ronald Reagan in his most important role, harkened the death knell of equal time.  Just who possessed the necessary funds to control the airwaves?  

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