
Keyword: Current American Economic Crisis

Chomsky Reveals Concern Over the Potential of Fascist America Email Print

Noam Chomsky, a leading opponent of the Vietnam War and an outspoken progressive for many years, is quoted in the April 12 edition of The Progressive revealing concern over the potential for Fascism coming to America.

Chomsky related that he is just old enough to harbor sad and tragic memories of the early Nazi era of Germany highlighted by the stemwinding oratory of Adolf Hitler and tumultuous responses received by the citizenry.

In recent columns posted by me I cited a similar concern.  Chomsky indicated that "The anger of level and (current) fear is like nothing

I can compare in my lifetime."

All that is needed to dramatically corroborate Chomsky's statement is footage from the recent Capitol Hill Tea Bag rally during the critical period preceding the vote on Barack Obama's health care legislation.  The close-up of a shrieking Tea Bagger spitting on an African American congressman was a manifestation of runaway hatred.

Wait... There's more! (535 words in story)