Keyword: Current Meaning of Nuremberg Trials

Which is it, Republican Right? The Constitution or Code of Omerta? Email Print

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as well as other Republicans boosting this administration like to call themselves conservatives and proclaim that they are committed to introducing their form of government to Iraq and elsewhere with a particular emphasis on the current Middle East.

A "60 Minutes" broadcast originally aired December 10, 2006 that was updated June 21, 2007 tells a different story.  The major question that emerges from a segment based on the courageous actions of Joe Darby, an MP in the Army Reserves, reveals the Republican right as more concerned about the type of code of silence known in Mafia circles as omerta rather than adhering to the U.S. Constitution.

Darby, who grew up in Appalachia, fashioned himself as an ordinary guy doing his duty in the Army Reserve in Iraq.  His incredible story began innocently enough.  Darby's local unit was sent to Abu Ghraib.  He worked in the office while others guarded the prisoners.

When the urge struck Darby to send home scenic pictures he spoke to the logical person, prison guard Charles Graner, the unit's camera buff.  When Graner was asked if he had any pictures he reached into his computer bag, pulled out two CDs, and handed them to Darby.

Wait... There's more! (1124 words in story)