Keyword: Democratic Failure to Confront Bush on Iraq

The Iraq War and Bipartisan Failure Email Print

While George W. Bush and Dick Cheney continue to tell Americans that things are looking up and that the new "Surge" campaign only needs some more time and patience time to succeed, the tragic reality of what is actually happening in Iraq was revealed to the nation's viewers Sunday night in a brilliant report on 60 Minutes.

CBS correspondent Lara Logan visited Baghdad and interviewed a local citizen who was willing to tell America and the rest of the world what is really happening, penetrating beyond the perpetual smoke screen generated by the blustery Cheney-Bush Administration's propaganda brigade.

Mahmud al Wadi told Logan that he could not conceive of driving his daughter to school without his trusty revolver.  What does his daughter do with the rest of her time away from school?  Mahmud had a simple answer.  She doesn't do anything, staying home out of necessity.

He needs to venture out periodically to buy gas.  This activity requires three days, with Mahmud al Wadi sleeping as he holds his place in line.  He recounts what sometimes happens when he reaches the front of the line, learning that the station has no gas to sell, meaning an exhausting effort has been expended in vain.

Wait... There's more! (1654 words in story)