Keyword: Economic Destruction of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a Cause for Global Outrage! Email Print

A current BBC News report cites the ruling African National Congress of South Africa as a recent source of scathing criticism over the oppressive rule of President Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Anan has delivered similar comments as the carnage continues, in a nation where what the international community hoped would be a democratic election, to violence on the part of Mugabe's well trained and ruthless police.

Rather than holding a runoff between Mugabe and the candidate that appeared to be favored by most of the citizenry, the individual who should instead be preparing to govern Zimbabwe following a democratic election runoff instead was compelled to seek refuge in the Dutch Embassy in the capital city of Harare.

While Mugabe has enriched himself and become a billionaire most of his countrymen live at or perilously near the starvation point.  

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