Keyword: Elizabeth Dole

Is Republican Retreat "Running Down America"? Email Print

What a thorough reversal America is seeing with the Republican retreat on the part of John McCain and others from programs and a presidency which they thoroughly supported before national polling numbers were eviscerated.

One of numerous incumbents said to be in trouble, Senator Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina, said on the October 26 edition of Face the Nation that Republicans will need to re-establish themselves and find their identity.  

Actually they already had, except for now when the "chickens have come home to roost" and it is time to pay the ultimate consequences for actions deceitful and irresponsible both militarily and fiscally as they now, as Chris Matthews put it a few weeks back, "take off their uniforms and flee the battlefield."

It is both outrageous and outrageously hilarious to see John McCain, who while competing for the Republican presidential nomination proudly proclaimed that he had supported Bush via his senatorial votes "90 percent of the time" and added that this exceeded the support level of his rivals, now sounds more like John F. Kennedy running against Richard Nixon in 1960.

Wait... There's more! (992 words in story)