Keyword: Eric Holder

Bush War Crimes Evidence Mandates Obama Action Email Print

Recent Wikileaks disclosures underscore what so many have been saying that there is an obligation of the Obama Administration to investigate and, if warranted by the evidence, take action.  

Many political officeholders and strategists have long contended that it would be absurd and impractical to ignite a political time bomb such as investigating and potentially recommending that criminal action be taken against members of the Bush Administration.  

This grave issue should not be decided based on political expediency.  International law and the United States Constitution mandate action if the evidence warrants it.

Let the Republican-Tea Party members, not necessarily in that order, scream at the tops of their lungs.  The louder that they shriek the greater the indication that justice is being served.

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President Obama, the Constitution Mandates Terrorist Investigation Email Print

While aides in Eric Holder's Justice Department stress the importance of investigating the CIA for abuses of suspected terrorists, Obama continues to make one disconcerting point.

On numerous instances, including the issue of investigating Dick Cheney and George W. Bush for numerous abuses, highlighted by taking America to war based on false evidence, Obama has made the point that he prefers looking ahead and not to the past.

As a lawyer and former teacher of constitutional law, Obama should realize that an imperative exists in that vital area.  As president of the United States he is compelled to move in areas where the constitution mandates him to take care that laws be faithfully executed.  

Two of the most precious areas of the Constitution that mandate vigilant action are conducting wars and civil liberty violations.  Instances of such violations abounded during the past administration of Cheney and Bush.

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Don't Let the Torturers Escape Accountability Email Print

Jeremiah O'Leary Jr. of Staten Island, New York told the New York Times April 19 his viewpoint on allowing torturers to get by with no accountability:

"What members of the Bush administration did in our name is despicable.

"When I was drafted into the Army as a lowly private in 1966, we were schooled during basic training in our obligations under the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions.  We should expect no less from the leaders of our country.

"I am waiting to see who will be held accountable for this shameful abuse that was sanctioned by our government."

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Obama, Holder: Stand Firm in Wake of Republican Extortion Demands Email Print

Senator Sheldon Whiteside of Rhode Island has revealed that Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans have been seeking to impose extortion on Eric Holder, President Obama's nominee for attorney general.

According to Whiteside, Republicans are seeking assurance from Holder in advance of the Judiciary Committee vote that he will agree not to proceed with legal action extending to any former Bush administration operatives regarding torture.

How many of these same Republicans supported efforts to remove Bill Clinton from the presidency for lying about an affair with a White House intern on an affidavit arising out of a civil legal action?  How many of these same Republicans know about, or wish to know about, the U.S. Constitution's separation of powers?

Should Eric Holder be fully confirmed, he will then become the leading law enforcement officer in America.  It is up to the attorney general to act in any cases where federal law may have been violated.  

Wait... There's more! (415 words in story)