Keyword: Failure

Bush & Lieberman - Flip-Flopping Clones Email Print

"Stay the course!"

That is all you will get from both Bush and Lieberman.

Despite President Bush's recent denials that "We've never been stay the course" and the NY Times' FALSE assertions to counter Ned Lamont's caqmpaign charges that Joe Lieberman has been a consistent cheerleader for Bush's failed "Stay the course!" policy, the fact remains that this is a bold face lie that exposes BOTH Bush and Lieberman's  penchant for polticizing this war by telling people whatever they have to in order to cover their political asses and get more votes.  It also doesn't say much about the researchers and writers at the post Judy "neocon propaganda" Miller NY Times.

In Bush's and Lieberman's own words BELOW:

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