
Keyword: George Bush the Elder

The Republican Right's Long Affair With Voodoo Economics Email Print

What an irony it was that the very person who cheer led the high priest of voodoo economics at a different point in political time nailed it down precisely as the danger it constitutes.

Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush, or Bush the Elder, sought the Republican nomination in 1980 at a time when the eastern Republican Party establishment was on its last legs.

This was not the same Bush we saw eight years later exploiting through communications mudmeister Lee Atwater bogus issues like Willie Horton and the pledge of allegiance while solidly touting his membership in the National Rifle Association.

The George Bush of 1988 positioned himself in many ways like his son 12 years later as a grand Texas cowboy, a good old gun touting American buttressed by God, Mom, apple pie and the flag.

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This Three A.M. Call Says: "Hillary, it's time for you to go." Email Print

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been literally shell-shocked as first term senator from Illinois Barack Obama has virtually sewn up the Democratic presidential nomination, no matter how much spinning Clinton's forces attempt to generate to argue with that result.

Hillary Clinton began with a big war chest and significant name edge on Obama, whose biggest national moment was his brilliant speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.  

So how did this major turnabout occur?  Apart from Obama's oft-mentioned gifted speaking style, which gives him a fresh and vibrant dynamism reflective of John F. Kennedy circa 1960, the big factor was having the correct message for the time.

Obama's major support has come from a group much akin to Howard Dean's supporters in 2000, frustrated citizens, in Obama's case among younger voters in the under-30 range, who believe that the political system is broken and that we need a fresh beginning.

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Hillary's Presidential Speed Course for Obama Email Print

Those attempting to determine the Obama factor in the 2008 Democratic Party presidential sweepstakes have an easy road to travel.

It has puzzled some how Hillary Clinton, ordained by most of the mainstream media as being the winner before the initial competition in the form of the Iowa Caucuses occurred, based on numbers appears well on her way to being upset by Barack Obama, a recent Illinois state legislator who did not enter major national politics before being elected to the U.S. Senate just four short years ago.

Obama's meteoric rise is tied into amateurish blundering by a Clinton campaign that received such mainstream media boosting that important columnists and commentators interviewed sang Clinton's early debate performances and declared that she was winning them regularly and decisively.

A large legion of voters, many of them young and attuning themselves for the first time to the political process, refused to be conned into making a decision based on flimsy media propaganda.  For one thing, with enough candidates on stage to constitute a political "cattle call," how can any one candidate decisively win such joint appearance efforts?

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Danger! Stay Away from the Bushes! Email Print

The elder George Bush's son Neil broke conflict of interest rules when he was a CEO at Silverado Banking Savings and Loan in Denver.

A cease and desist order restricting Neil Bush's banking activity was demanded immediately.  The judge who worked for the Office of Thrift Supervision demanded that Neil Bush make a full disclosure of all of his business dealings annually.  Also the judge insisted that Bush never vote on an issue where he held an interest if he joined any bank.

Neil Bush, a Denver oil man, had been director of Silverado from 1985 to 1988.  Neil resigned when his father was nominated on the Republican presidential ticket.  Later that same year regulators seized Silverado Bank, declaring it insolvent.  Silverado's bank failure cost taxpayers billions.

The elder George Bush's son Neil broke conflict of interest rules when he was a CEO at Silverado Banking Savings and Loan in Denver.  Regulators discovered that Bush had failed to reveal to his fellow Silverado bank directors the fact that he had extensive business dealings at the pivotal moment Walters and Good received those enormous loans.

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Pope Urban II Launched Christian Crusades; Bush Launched Iraq War Crusade Email Print

On November 26, 1095 Pope Urban II launched the Christian Crusades.  His goal was to spread Christianity to the Middle East.  

He was so certain that God was behind the Crusades that his warriors placed their faith in the Old Testament, specifically in the biblical account of ancient Jericho.  The soldiers marched around the walls of Jericho.  When they blew their trumpets the walls of Jericho, aided by the supernatural assistance of God, came tumbling down.

When the Crusaders marched around the walls of Jerusalem and blew their trumpets, they fully expected the supernatural would assist them and the walls would immediately come tumbling down.  When this did not happen they barged into Jerusalem, slaughtering the city's every inhabitant and piling the bodies one atop the other.

On March 20, 2003 George Bush launched the Iraq War, which soon became a modern Middle East crusade to deliver democracy and freedom.  

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U.S. Foreign Policy Run Amok for Over a Century! Email Print

While proclaiming to be a bright beacon of light, illuminating the entire world with the blessings of freedom and democracy, the U.S. foreign policy has often betrayed the very principles it was enthusiastically boasting about.

The civil war death toll has estimates from 618,000 deaths to 700,000 dead with the wounded estimate placed at 350,000.  Was this labor exploitation worth the cost in deaths and wounded?

The Bible belt generating wealth on the backs of slaves was no bargain no matter how many beautiful white-pillared mansions it built.  How could Bible belt believers generate such hell of earth?  That answer is simple!

Doesn't the Bible say something about slaves being loyal to their masters?  Or words to that effect.  With approximately 30,000 contradictions in the Bible you can find anything you want to believe from snake worshippers inspiration to Jehovah engaging in genocide.

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Is it Blood for Oil? Email Print

To provide hospital facilities where rats roam freely and mold pollutes for injured troops returning from Iraq's war quagmire represents the height of unadulterated evil any way the Republican spin machine tries to slice it.

U.S.A. Today on March 16 showed color photos of luxury Walter Reed suites where members of the Senate and House are provided with the best of everything courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

If a member of the Senate or House were placed in a moldy, rat-infested room at Walter reed Hospital a congressional investigation would begin immediately.  One explanation given for the horrifying neglect of wounded service personnel being relegated to such scandalously inadequate hospital rooms is simply this.  

So many more injured war individuals were arriving daily at Walter Reed Hospital that they didn't have time to maintain and renovate the facilities.  Also, there weren't enough rooms to keep up with the soaring numbers of injured that were continuously arriving from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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Are Republicans Reaping the Whirlwind? Email Print

Surely the far right Republicans who have dominated so much of this Republican-dominated Administration know the Biblical admonition that if you "sew to the wind, you will reap the whirlwind."

In almost every area where they have had voting power they have "sown to the wind".  They rushed to war when the war machine went into high gear with forged documents and lying advisors providing false information about Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction".  A series of generals who totally miscalculated what the cost of going into the Iraq War would cost.

They apparently had no idea how resistant the Iraqis would be to taking over.  Perhaps the U.S. track record of its conduct in the Middle East had taught them a lesson regarding letting Americans control their destinies.

It was the much-heralded Republican Ronald Reagan, a so-called "foreign policy expert", who left office with the scorching scandal of the Iran Contra arms deals, breaking international law.  The notorious Oliver North dared to run for office and we can thank God that Nancy Reagan stepped in with the voice of reason, cautioning Virginia voters against voting for North.  

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Republican Political Heroes! Email Print

Lest we forget the Vietnam War.  Richard Nixon continued this tragic war with its staggering cost in lives, destruction and death.  The bombing of Cambodia without justifiable cause, the entire debacle, represents a new low in U.S. history.  Nixon's dreadful contribution this war overshadows the Watergate Scandal.  

We can credit Robert McNamara for finally displaying the courage to let the public know what a horrifying conflict the Vietnam War was.  Yet some die-hard Republicans can only heap perpetual praise on this failed, impeached Republican president who ultimately resigned his office.  The question must be asked, "Why?"

And now, another Republican hero, President Ronald Reagan, has been eulogized as a great leader.  Ronald Reagan spoke of balancing the budget.  In the end Reagan tripled the national debt, never balancing one budget.  

Yet die-hard Republicans speak lovingly and longingly of Reaganomics.  What?  The Iran Contra Scandal!  Reagan violated international law he had helped establish.  The Reagan Administration was caught sending arms to the declared enemy.  

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