Keyword: George W. Bush's Military Service

George Bush, Your Turn to Go to Iraq! Email Print

While watching the latest edition of The McLaughlin Report on PBS program host John McLaughlin, after listing on the screen the cumulative economic and personal toll of the Iraq War, then provided interesting footage of a conversation involving two American troops stationed in Baghdad.

To say that these individuals were not "happy campers" would be a classic understatement.  The first soldier, a corporal, complained about the unrealistic scheduling, and how it was impossible to obtain sufficient rest before going out on the next patrol.

At that point the African American soldier with whom the corporal was communicating made his feelings crystal clear.  He tersely stated his willingness to make a compromise agreement extending his service, which he clearly despised.

The African American soldier declared that he would extend his Iraq service by 15 months at no additional pay if one condition could be met.  The condition involved George W. Bush riding along with him on patrol for that entire period.

Wait... There's more! (2 comments, 668 words in story)