Keyword: Government Bank Bailout

Can Printing Cash to Bail Out Banks Produce Wealth? Email Print

That is the question!  The truth of the entire economic meltdown was the extension of too much credit for high risk loans.

When the economy slowed down, U.S. citizens only saved 1 percent of their earnings.  Living from paycheck to paycheck ended in economic disaster.

When Bill Clinton signed the World Trade Agreement, U.S. manufacturers fled as fast as their greedy dreams could carry them.  (No doubt in their private jets.)

By moving basic manufacturing to the cheapest labor on planet earth, they could produce cheap and sell big time back in the U.S.A.  

Wait... There's more! (679 words in story)

After Unregulated Capitalism's Collapse, Borrowing China's Billions Provides a Rescue! Email Print

The twists of political fate are indeed strange and startling.  That Republican icon, none other than ex-actor and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, is credited with almost single handedly overthrowing Communism.  

When?  When he was at the Berlin Wall, he dramatically declared with all the perfect emphasis his acting career had taught him, "Tear down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev."

Not since the Biblical account of the walls that came tumbling down at Jericho was there such world-wide rejoicing when the Berlin Wall came tumbling down.  Some fragments of the demolished Berlin Wall were sold as souvenirs, the symbol of the push for freedom contained in a fragment of history.

But the famous Ronald Reagan slogan, the delightful dream come true for every capitalist in the U.S.A. business brigade was, "Get the government off our backs!"

Wait... There's more! (4 comments, 880 words in story)