Keyword: Harken

Bush, Inc.: "It's All About Me!" Email Print

One point that commentators, news presenters, and pundits fail to point out about this Administration is that policy decisions, whether foreign or domestic, are guided by one overriding principle:  GWB's legacy, future power status, and personal economic security.  If there is anything that is clear about this President, it is his singular ability to ruin bidnesses (in this case, the U.S. government) ( view complete resume). Therefore, he continually needs to focus his efforts on his next enterprise, his next link in a circuitous financial chain.  After all, now that everyone recognizes that the War in Iraq was motivated primarily by self-proclaimed "democratic" neocons, it's fairly easy to connect the dots between Bush's back-room dealings that team his personal interests with cronies, foreign alliances, and personal, corporate interests.  9/11?  WMD?  Regime change? Nuclear threats? Spreading democracy?  Whatever the latest rationale du jour, it's curious that few ever mention the oil bidness.  

Wait... There's more! (897 words in story)