Keyword: Impeachment of Bush and Cheney

Is Bush Eyeing Military Options in the Middle East? Email Print

An editorial June 9 in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer wisely warned of the White House's intentionally distorting information to justify war.

Malcolm D. McPhee of Sequim, Washington in his Letter to the Editors wrote:

"This is not a minor indiscretion on the part of the president.  It is an international war crime to fabricate intelligence to start a war not otherwise justifiable in international law.  We have seen the continuing and unnecessary sacrifices of our military in Iraq.  What this president has done will have long-term adverse effects on generations of Americans to come."

Future generations have been saddled with a staggering debt of almost $10 trillion to pay off.

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Criminals in the White House? Email Print

The aforementioned question is the number one burning issue in the U.S.A. today and has never been anwered by an investigation.

Rob Lewis of Langley, Washigton in a Seattle Times Letter to the Editor appearing in the Aparil 25 edition wrote:

"The New York Times' revelation of a massive, orchestrated Pentagon propaganda campaign that used retired officers to parrot George Bush's ... support of the war."

The statement continues by noting, "Many media analysts under sway of Pentagon."

Wait... There's more! (494 words in story)

Washington State Gets Serious on Impeachment; Take the Message to Your State! Email Print

What is the message that stands above all others on the issue of saving America and ending the trashing of the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?

That message is impeachment.  No Senator Harry Reid, No Speaker Nancy Pelosi, you are both wrong when you state that impeachment is a political decision to be reached or, in this case, ignored by elected representatives.

Read the Constitution and you will see that a different standard applies.  A chief executive and vice president take oaths to preserve and defend the Constitution.  They take oaths to see "that the laws are faithfully executed."

When those oaths are breached by the commission of "high crimes and misdemeanors" then, Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi, the issue at hand is not political to be decided by expedient.  It is far more serious than that.  It involves the very life blood of the country since breaches of egregious misconduct suck the very existence out of the Constitution and the fabric of democracy itself.

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Message to Impeachment Critics: It is Necessary Now! Email Print

So within the portals of Democratic congressional ranks in Washington this idea continues to be advanced that these poor souls continuing to advance the case for impeachment are wrong and indeed naïve.

We experienced hands know better.  This is not the course to traverse and we are dealing with individuals who, well intentioned though they may be, just don't understand the blunt realities and mechanics of politics as we do.  Hence they rush off and present scatter shot arguments about removing Bush and Cheney from office.

If they only could trade places with us and possessed our experience and expertise.  They would then see the light!

So this line of thinking goes.  So it persists as impeachment continues to be skirted save the voices of a few, such as Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  

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