
Keyword: Impeachment of George W. Bush

Now is the Time to Impeach George W. Bush! Email Print

Elizabeth Holtzman in a July 8 column appearing in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer declared the following:

"According to a top aide, John McCain recently endorsed George W. Bush's right to wiretap U.S. citizens without court approval, despite the clear requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.  It's clear that McCain has learned nothing from the past seven-plus years of Bush/Cheney assaults on the Constitution."

It is alarming that apparently Americans confused about a president's prerogatives, or the question must now be asked.  After 8 years of continuous constitutional abuses, are they so warped in their thinking that they imagine George Bush has the right to subvert the Constitution?

Holtzman cites imperative urgency, continuing:

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Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Email Print

Bruce Ellerstein of New York City in a letter to the editors in the New York Times edition of August 8 stated:

"Bush's disastrous decision to invade Iraq unnecessarily and without a plan has, for all intents and purposes, resulted in a terrorist breeding ground there while his coddling of governments who shield terrorists, such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia has made the world safe for them."

Ellerstein has no words of praise for the Democratic Congress.  He explains that in his opinion they have kowtowed to Bush, which enables his charade of being a decisive and effective leader to continue.

Carol Schlesinger in that same edition of the New York Times explained her view on the latest surveillance law:

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Dr. Bob Bowman for Congress Email Print

In a period when politicians are noted more for dodging the truth and running away from vital issues it is a pleasure to see a candidate running for Congress in the 15th District of Florida possessing unique qualifications along with the intellect and integrity to unabashedly address the major issues confronting America today.

Dr. Bob Bowman, one of the nation's most knowledgeable and articulate voices in the national security field, is running for Congress in the 15th District of Florida, which is located in Brevard County and home to the Kennedy Space Center.  Bowman, who resides in Melbourne, is a rocket scientist with a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.    

Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the "Star Wars" programs under Presidents Ford and Carter.  He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President's Medal of Veterans for peace, was honored twice by the Society of Military Engineers with ROTC Merit Awards, received 6 Air Medals, while receiving dozens of other awards and honors.  

What immediately impressed me about Bowman was his campaign promise to do what this Internet columnist has been proposing for better than four years.  If elected Bowman will introduce Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush and his fellow architects of deceit and disaster.  

Wait... There's more! (841 words in story)