Keyword: Iraq War Deception

What Was the Real Reason for the Iraq War? Email Print

In Bush's infamous "State of the Union Address" he dramatically declared that the U.S.A. was militarily threatened by Saddam Hussein.

Pausing, and speaking with grave, almost hushed tones, Bush defined the threat that was heard around the world.  Weapons of mass destruction, along with processing yellow cake Uranium for nuclear power, sent visions of a mushroom cloud above the land of the free, the home of the brave.

Pausing, and speaking with grave, almost hushed tones, Bush defined the threat that was heard around the world.  Weapons of mass destruction, along with processing yellow cake Uranium for nuclear power, sent visions of a mushroom cloud above the land of the free, the home of the brave.

This was enough to prompt a misled Congress to literally leap to their feet, robot style.  The Vietnam War debacle, where 55,000 U.S. service personnel sacrificed their lives, thinking the U.S. was under the much publicized threat of Communist domination, and all Asia might fall victim to a "domino effect" of first Vietnam, then all of Asia becoming Communists.

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What Was the Real Reason for the Iraq War? Email Print

In Bush's infamous "State of the Union Address" he dramatically declared that the U.S.A. was militarily threatened by Saddam Hussein.

Pausing, and speaking with grave, almost hushed tones, Bush defined the threat that was heard around the world.  Weapons of mass destruction, along with processing yellow cake Uranium for nuclear power, sent visions of a mushroom cloud above the land of the free, the home of the brave.

This was enough to prompt a misled Congress to literally leap to their feet, robot style.  The Vietnam War debacle, where 55,000 U.S. service personnel sacrificed their lives, thinking the U.S. was under the much publicized threat of Communist domination, and all Asia might fall victim to a "domino effect" of first Vietnam, then all of Asia becoming Communists.

This projected theory worked effectively just like weapons of mass destruction and the frightening mushroom nuclear cloud scare tactic worked.

Wait... There's more! (686 words in story)

Training for the End of the World! Email Print

The August 4 issue of Time headlined this incredible story with this sobering thought:

"With Russian and U.S. warheads on a hair-trigger alert, the Cold War's last sentries remain ever vigilant."

Every citizen of the world should read and carefully analyze what this thoughtful article by Eben Harrell  has to say:

"In a small control room buried in a mountainside fortress high above Colorado Springs, the cold war rages on.  Behind 25-ton blast doors, U.S. and Canadian soldiers work 12-our shifts in crews of five, , their sole mission to distinguish benign rocked launches from missiles traveling toward North America at 4 miles a second bearing nuclear warheads capable of destroying cities.  They have a matter of minutes to make the call that could unleash nuclear Armageddon."

Wait... There's more! (845 words in story)

Does George Bush Believe in Democratic Rule? Email Print

Tom Kertes of Seattle wrote this to the Letters to the Editors of the Seattle Times, dated May 3:

"President Bush's war in Iraq    was sold on lies.  We had neither the need nor the right to invade and occupy Iraq and more than 3,000 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have paid the highest price for the president's illegal occupation of Iraq.  We are now trapped in a civil war in a distant land with no end in sight."

The Iraq War began by injecting heavy doses of fear into the American public.  This was achieved with false facts, accelerated by a media blitz.

Once the proof was in, that there were no weapons of mass destruction threatening the U.S.A., this misguided effort morphed into Bush's do-gooder war to deliver democracy and freedom to Iraq, and letting these ideals ultimately spread to the entire Middle East.

Wait... There's more! (336 words in story)

The Bush Policy of Pillage and Plunder; The Road to U.S. Self-Destruction Email Print

Charles Pluckham of Seattle, in a "Letter to the Editors" of the Seattle Times on September 18, 2006, wrote the following:

"I never thought I'd see the day when the President of the United States would demand that Congress approve of torturing people captured by American forces nor did I think I'd see the day when the House of representatives would rubber stamp such a shocking and ugly request.

"Those who order it, and those who carry out the orders are not only war criminals, but they are losers."

Elaine Loughlin of Port Townsend, Washington, writing in that same section the identical day, stated:

Wait... There's more! (594 words in story)

Are Bush and Cheney The Real Threats to American Security? Email Print

Jim Corbett of Seattle wrote an eye-opener letter to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that was published in its June 28 issue:

"So President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are bent out of shape because The New York Times reported that the Administration has been secretly digging into private bank records of U.S. citizens, a stark violation of the Constitution (without proper warrants).  Hatred toward America has been increased tenfold because of their reckless war ... Bush and Cheney are the real threat to America."

Let us look at the track record of the gang that couldn't fight a legitimate war against U.S. enemies.  Instead they launched the Iraq War on the basis of false charges and documents.  As the so-called smart bombs blasted Iraq, often killing innocent civilians, while the U.S. ignoramuses cheered the U.S. troops on.  

Bush, the proud leader of this nightmare war, early on jumped aboard a U.S. carrier near San Diego, proudly proclaiming, while costumed in military uniform, "The war is over!"

Wait... There's more! (816 words in story)

How About a Reality Show About the Bush Administration's Evasion of Accountability? Email Print

This would be the most watched TV reality show ever.  It would surpass the Super Bowl around the world, as it would reveal what the mightiest military power on earth had done with its political and military might.

First off, it would ask the most vital question terrifying the world today: Did the U.S.A. strike Iraq without absolute proof the U.S.A. was threatened?

That would lead to a logical conclusion: If Bush led the U.S.A. to a war in Iraq on lies and deception, no doubt Bush will go down in the history of the U.S.A. as the worst president this nation ever had.

Many U.S. service personnel have died and been wounded.  The wounded would be outraged if it can be proven the power of the presidency has been used to perpetrate a fraud, the worst kind of fraud - surpassing anything Ken Lay may have done in holding California hostage in his greedy designs to stick it to the golden state.  Of course Bush and Kenny Boy are great pals enjoying baseball games together.

Wait... There's more! (6 comments, 629 words in story)