Keyword: Iraq War Propaganda

What Scares Fox and Other Neocons: War Brings Dire Consequences Email Print

Here is a lesson from the neocons at Fox and elsewhere.  If you cover up a war rather than covering it and refuse to show the direct results of conflict then you are a patriot.

Let us say that someone chooses to cover that same war and shows the bloodshed that resulted.  To do so is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  In fact, such coverage should be immediately shut down.

This is precisely the scenario that occurred in the Iraq War.  This was Donald Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" war that was supposed to inflict casualties only on the troops of dictator Saddam Hussein, the same figure that Rumsfeld visited, shook hands with, and provided weapons with which he killed his own Kurdish population.

Now the neocons of the New World Order decided that it was time to rid Iraq of former ally Saddam so that profits would not have to be shared and Halliburton, Bechtel and Monsanto would have unrestrained pickings.  In fact, the division of spoils was decided in advance through secret meetings in former Halliburton head man and then Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

Wait... There's more! (815 words in story)

Pope Urban II Launched Christian Crusades; Bush Launched Iraq War Crusade Email Print

On November 26, 1095 Pope Urban II launched the Christian Crusades.  His goal was to spread Christianity to the Middle East.  

He was so certain that God was behind the Crusades that his warriors placed their faith in the Old Testament, specifically in the biblical account of ancient Jericho.  The soldiers marched around the walls of Jericho.  When they blew their trumpets the walls of Jericho, aided by the supernatural assistance of God, came tumbling down.

When the Crusaders marched around the walls of Jerusalem and blew their trumpets, they fully expected the supernatural would assist them and the walls would immediately come tumbling down.  When this did not happen they barged into Jerusalem, slaughtering the city's every inhabitant and piling the bodies one atop the other.

On March 20, 2003 George Bush launched the Iraq War, which soon became a modern Middle East crusade to deliver democracy and freedom.  

Wait... There's more! (4 comments, 1444 words in story)