Keyword: Iraq War Refugees

Thank You, George Bush! 2 Million Iraqi Refugees in Syria and Jordan Email Print

Thank goodness for one piece of good news today.  The Iranian government released the British sailors and certainly no thanks to George W. Bush, who possesses all the diplomatic skill of a bull in a china shop.

As British government functionaries worked quietly behind the scenes, shrewdly seeking not to raise temperatures, the focus was on getting all British naval personnel held by the government of Iran home safely.  

At that point Bush entered the scene, filling the air with harsh, vitriolic rhetoric, the kind of unneeded, ill-informed bluster that can destroy delicate diplomatic initiatives.  At that point the British government in diplomatic jargon told Bush to butt out and shut up.  He was told that his efforts were neither required nor wanted.

A debt of gratitude should go to those in the British government who promptly removed Bush's uncouth and unneeded presence from the scene.  The wisdom of that action bore results as the British sailors are leaving Iran without any political repercussions visible on the horizon.

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