Keyword: John Derbyshire

The Wilson-Plame Snoozer Email Print

John Derbyshire at The Corner at National Review Online offered this tidbit of observation last week:

I had Wilson-Plame-Rove-Novak-Mil ler spotted as a snoozer from the beginning. I did my best with it, as a loyal contributor who's supposed to have opinions about matters that are important, or that might develop into importance, or that the MSM says are important; but my eyes have been glazing over so swiftly, thickly, and comprehensively at every mention of the wretched thing since it began, I am now seeing the world with a greenish tinge. Some people are getting a lot of fun out of this, but the mentality of those people is, for better or worse, as far removed from mine as a Siberian bear-shaman's. What the heck was it all about? I can't even remember. Somebody's wife said something to someone.. Niger... yellowcake... zzzzzzz.

Two lines of thought immediately presented themselves to me upon reading this passage, one serious in implication, the other not at all. First, the unserious:

No Wonder Liberals Dominate Hollywood

Wait... There's more! (1 comment, 814 words in story)