Keyword: John Gorenfeld

The Bush Family and the Moon Family Email Print

Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church has had a hand in the development of the religious right and the broader conservative movement for four decades. Moon, who has called for "an automatic theocracy to rule the world" --under his aegis, of course -- one of the dirty secrets of the religious right. Among other important relationships, journalist Bob Parrry exposed how Moon helped bail out televangelist Jerry Falwell several years ago.  And pioneering conservative direct mail entrepreneur Richard Viguerie has had Moon front groups as clients since 1965.  

But the ocasional scandal not withstanding, top leaders of the GOP and the Christian Right align themselves with the explicity anti-Christian and anti-American Moon organization with far greater frequency than ever makes the news.

For all the conservative movement's histrionics about preserving the traditional family against percieved "attacks," Re. Moon's Unfication Church has done tremendous damage to countless traditional nuclear families in pursuit of his theocratic vision, and his political and business interests.

I have written about the Moon organization from time to time since 1983. I am constantly struck by the extraordinary blind spot most Americans have regarding this dangerous anti-democratic organization.

I am reminded of this today, because Journalist John Gorenfeld has an important article on AlterNet that deserves far greater attention than it has received. It details the apparent business relationship between President Bush's brother Neil Bush and the Moon organization.

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