Keyword: John Howard

A Thumbs Up to Australia and Kevin Rudd Email Print

Shortly prior to Australia's last election this column provided a warm endorsement for Kevin Rudd and stated the hope that Australia would look to its future and separate itself from its past and Bush stalwart John Howard.

It will be recalled that Howard stirred up the international political scene when he attacked Barack Obama for daring to attack the Iraq War policies of his stalwart ally George W. Bush.

Howard soon learned that he had problem enough in attempting to win a new term as prime minister in the face of Kevin Rudd's Labor Party.  Howard did not help his cause by gratuitously entering the U.S. presidential sweepstakes through attacking Obama and pressing the case for George Bush's unpopular Iraq War policies.

Australians had strongly indicated sending any troops to Iraq and supporting a cause they felt was unjust and contravened international law.  Many of us recall the day that the protest was so strong that Howard used the rear door of his residence to avoid encountering a large contingent of protesters.

Wait... There's more! (284 words in story)

Australians: This is Your Chance to Give John Howard the Boot! Email Print

How Americans recall the last time that John Howard stepped into the U.S. political picture to deliver a policy pronouncement.

Howard let it be known that he was George W. Bush's ally.  He attacked Senator Barack Obama vigorously for suggesting that the Iraq War should end and troops should be brought home.

Howard's defense of Bush and assault on Obama's position was met with a sharp retort by the Illinois senator.  

Progressives in America and elsewhere denounced Howard's ignorance in promoting the continuation of a war that those who understand the Middle East contend can only end in the same type of failure that typified the Vietnam conflict.

Wait... There's more! (492 words in story)