Keyword: John Swords

NYT: Outsourcing Up the Ladder: Time to Get Serious Email Print

The New York Times today published an article on the topic of outsourcing. Steve Lohr, the author of the article, contends that outsourcing is climbing the skills ladder. What he means by this is that the jobs that were originally outsourced were simple assembly tasks. After these jobs were outsourced, companies began to outsource higher skill jobs, such as computer programmers. Now, outsourcing has progressed up the skills ladder to include such highly skilled jobs as engineers and scientists.

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Fighting Dems: The Legacy of Paul Hackett Email Print

I was saddened today to learn of Paul Hackett's decision to drop out of the Senate race. During the year Paul has been active in politics, he has shown Democrats how to have a backbone. In addition, he recruited other veterans to run on the party ticket that best represents them. His service to his country and to his party, in my opinion, during this last year, is second to none.

I agree with James Carville when he says that the problem with the Democratic Party is not ideological, but anatomical. Paul Hackett himself proved this point in his special election by having a backbone and being unafraid to tell people what he thought about the issues. The result of this was that people in a traditional Republican district respected Paul enough to vote for him. If Democrats learn nothing else from Paul, it should be that people vote for candidates that they respect and are honest with them. Even though Paul dropped out of the Senate race, by inspiring many others to run for office, he will prove on a national level in November that "Fighting Dems" are the future of the Democratic Party.

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Reclaiming Our Government Email Print

Greetings Political Cortex community,

My name is John Swords and I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination to run against Pat Tiberi in Ohio's 12th United States Congressional District. I am running because I believe in the American Dream. In addition, I am running because I believe in the endless power of the American people and the citizens of Ohio's 12th district

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