Keyword: Judaism

Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 172 Email Print

The floods in the Midwest have continued and I include some information where I can in the Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin sections. Best of luck to all readers in the hard hit areas.

This week I return to an issue I discussed before: Republican cronies litterally killing our troops with no government oversight. This week Democratic Sentor Bob Casey is demanding an investigation of the electrocutions due to bad wiring that have been plaguing our military bases managed by a Hallibruton subsidiary. More below.

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Passover 1943: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising on Hitler's Birthday Email Print

One of my annual diaries (when I remember to do them) is honoring the Warsaw Ghetto uprising during WW II, which happened to coincide with Hitler's birthday in 1943. I happen to feel that it was a particularly good birthday present for Hitler: the defeat of his elite force by a bunch of half starved, barely armed Jews.

This year the anniversary is particularly poignant because, as in 1943, Passover began at sundown on April 19th and April 20th, the day the uprising took off, was the first day of Passover. And that coincidence influenced the Seder I attended last night. In honor of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, in "honor" of Hitler's Birthday, in in honor of all who fight against tyrrany, I bring you a piece of history worth remembering.

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Breaking News: Man Known Only as "Moses" Leads Criminal Revolt Email Print

This is adapted from last year. So some of my diaries seem poised to become traditions at least in my mind. This comes from last year almost without change. Hell, it has been thousands of years since this story was first told, so it is not surprising I have little reason to change it from year to year.

Passover celebrates Moses leading "his people" out of Egypt, the reception of "THE LAW" and the entry into the "promised land." OR DOES IT???

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Preserving Heritage, Preserving Identity: Why I care about a small syagogue in Latvia Email Print

This is adapted from a talk I gave to the Latvia Special Interest Group luncheon at the Jewish Genealigical Conference in NYC this week. I don't know how much it will resonate with a general readership, but it means something to me and to those who heard it. It's adapted from a Powerpoint presentation, so the format is different than what I normally do.

Wait... There's more! (4229 words in story)