Keyword: Kerry

BLOGTOUR: An Interview with Teresa Heinz Kerry Email Print

Teresa Heinz Kerry's two marriages bring together two American political traditions, the Republican Heinz family and the Democratic Kerry family, and shows how good people in both parties have common ground. Much of her philanthropic effort has focused on two areas: the environment, and women's health and economic security. Since 1996, Teresa Heinz Kerry brings these two issues together in an annual conference called the "Conference on Women's Health & the Environment," held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. In preparation for this year's conference, Teresa is participating in a blogtour, a relatively new concept where she participates in a series of mini-interviews with bloggers around the country on the subject of women's health and the environment. More below...

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Kerry and Company Debate Iraq Amendments Email Print

Note: I wrote this last night, so it is strictly concerning last night's debtate.

Tonight John Kerry and his Democratic supporters are having an extremely wise debate over the current state of Iraq and Mr.Kerry's proposal to withdraw most forces from Iraq by July 1 2007, leaving special forces to help the some 400,000 combined Iraqi Soldiers, Police Forces, and other trained protectors of the peace.

The New York Times ran an article in which they talked about the division within the Democratic party about the two amendments on Iraq. Here is an excerpt.

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bin Laden fuels the fear, paves the way for banishing our Civil Liberties Email Print

So, Osama made another speech and stated the obvious: He's still alive and still a threat because Bush got us all involved with this distraction in Iraq which has done more for Al Qaeda than it's done for us. And the GOP reaction, of course, is to show how serious they are about terrorism by attacking Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean and other Democrats or liberals.

Wait... There's more! (5 comments, 662 words in story)