Keyword: Lebanon War

Will the Bush Legacy be Iraq Sectarian Slaughter? Email Print

The skyrocketing death toll in Iraq climbs to, some estimates claim, 250,000 Iraqi civilians dead.  2,973 U.S. service personnel are dead and over 20,000 have been injured.  CBS-TV used to show the faces of U.S. service personnel who died in Iraq as a memorial tribute.  

Why was this news feature eliminated?  Could it be as the death toll of U.S. service personnel mounted, it was decided for political reasons that the practice be stopped?

When Dan Rather was banished from CBS Nightly News, Bob Schieffer was a temporary replacement until Little Mary Sunshine accepted her multi-million deal to provide balance, so to speak, to CBS Nightly News.

Katie Kouric's balancing act included in her first wonderful week interviews with Thomas Friedman, George Bush, and Rush Limbaugh.  The balance stemmed from Friedman being perceived as a "liberal".

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