Keyword: Lou Gehrig's Disease

Do All Bush Decisions Lead to Pain, Suffering, and Death? Email Print

(Related: I invite each and every one of you to join my family, friends and me along with the ALS Foundation as we work to counter the effects of Bush's lethal decisions and facilitate the fight for Stem Cell Research!! (Details down below)

Needless deaths from Bush decisions are not limited to Iraq.

As of Today, 2,705 U.S. troops have been killed. 19,910 have been injured. And scores more of non-military personnel, including children and the elderly (conveniently known as 'collateral damage') have been killed as a result of Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.).

These horrific numbers have rightly been the subject of thousands of articles, millions of debates, and innumerable tears.

But with all the discussion and outrage expressed about the unnecessary casualties resulting from the Bush Administration's 'War of Lies', there has been seemingly little room or energy left to deal with the potential death and devastation that will likely result from Bush's other decisions.

Which ones, you ask.

Wait... There's more! (1078 words in story)