Keyword: Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio - won't release the AmEx record Email Print

Fiscal integrity, who's got it.  

Look over to Marco Rubio - the former Speaker of the House of Florida and current U.S. senator - who frequently scolds the federal government for sponging up public citizen $$$ and binging on credit.  Reports emerged in the Florida press in 2010 that Rubio has done all along the same thing he decried, under wraps.

His campaign team won't answer queries – or release Amex statements from the GOP campaign – to clear up charges Rubio crossed a threshold between a home kitchen makeover and a Republican Party campaign charge account.

He has tried to brush off claims, made by a former backer of his, that Rubio used the RPOF (Republican Party of Florida) American Express card for $4,000-$5,000 of kitchen flooring supplies. The party, meanwhile, selectively released the RPOF card statements for Rubio for 2007-08 but officials have held back on most months of the prior 2 years for the RPOF card they issued Rubio for 2005 & 2006.

"The Florida Times-Union questioned Rubio earlier this week after allegations that he charged kitchen flooring on the card, but Rubio declined to address that question specifically."

Wait... There's more! (443 words in story)