Keyword: Marines

Making Amends In Iraq: A Podcast Interview With Marine Captain Jeremy Joseph Email Print

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The topic below was originally posted in my blog the Intrepid Liberal Journal, as well as the Independent Bloggers Alliance, The Peace Tree and Worldwide Sawdust.

Is there anything the American military can do at this point to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people? Personally, I, as well as many Americans and Iraqis don't believe any reservoir of good will remains. As far as I'm concerned, this war of choice was immoral and ill conceived from the start and I don't believe the current escalation in troops can accomplish any good.

Wait... There's more! (979 words in story)

Marines block Internet sites Email Print

I understand the need for military discipline, but this is ridiculous. The U.S. Marine Corps is blocking access to Internet sites that do not toe the Bush administration's line, news sites, humor sites, and gossip sites, according to an email to Wonkette.

We're talking about Marines, the lean, mean fighting machines. Is the Pentagon afraid of the truth?

Is this America or China?

Wait... There's more! (1 comment, 304 words in story)

Patriotic Debate: Military Perspective Email Print

Res ipsa loquitor, from the LAT, via MarineLink articles on OIF:

WASHINGTON -- Jacqui Coffman lives literally in the shadow of Ft. Stewart, Ga., headquarters of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division. She can see the gates from the windows of her house.

Her husband, Maj. Ross Coffman, is gone these days, serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. Every month she gathers with other military wives to talk about what's on their minds: kids, money, their husbands' safety overseas.


But Coffman said she considered words tossed around in Washington far less important than the support she feels daily for herself and her three young daughters from the community around Ft. Stewart.

That support has been so evident and unwavering that Coffman said she considered the growing debate over the war a healthy exercise in democracy.

With thanks to another coupla women:  Maura Reynolds and Faye Fiore, Times Staff Writers.
