Keyword: Marshall Adame

Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 162 Email Print

Last week I discussed the economic mess we are in. Someone commented that I am making things up and that job growth has been fine under Bush. She claimed I gave no evidence that job growth has been nearly flat during the Bush administration. Well, let me quote Paul Krugman, with an illustration:

Wait... There's more! (978 words in story)

IRAQ; Not Wanting To Stay, Not Able To Leave-08 Email Print

In 2003 the US lead Coalition came into Iraq to liberate the Iraqi people, capture and destroy the "confirmed" weapons of mass destruction, including "possible" nuclear capability, and overthrow a brutal tyrant who terrorized his own people, led genocide in his own country and invaded his neighbor.

In 2004 we had thrown out the tyrant, who deserved it anyway, and were now battling the pro-Saddam Iraqi insurgency and the followers of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada Al Sadr while trying to establish the legitimate Iraq Government institutions to facilitate the fledgling Democracy.

In 2005 we were battling Al Qaeda in Iraq,

Wait... There's more! (2604 words in story)