Keyword: Meet the Press

Murtha Interview shows Kos had a positive effect on Russert? Email Print

One of the most insightful things I heard at YearlyKos was EmptyWheel's exposition (while on the Plame panel) of the different functions of journalists and blogs.   EmptyWheel explained that what blogs can do that journalists can't is take a set of disparate facts reported by journalists and put together a narrative or a story connecting those facts.  The bloggers' tools in putting together these stories are (1) logic; (2) knowledge of human nature; and (3) observations of the characters involved in these dramas.

This sort of speculation is inappropriate for a reporter because of the reporter's role in sticking to the facts.  But it is entirely appropriate for a blogger who provides analysis on subject matters of interest to readers.  EmptyWheel, of course, has skillfully performed this function in analyzing just what in the heck Judy Miller may have been up to in the Spring and Summer of 2003, and many of her speculations have turned out to be correct.

Wait... There's more! (3 comments, 778 words in story)

OH, Great. The House is sure in Good hands. Email Print

John Boehner, the new House majority leader, just said on MTP:

It (Iraq War) may not benefit our generation, but for our kids and theirs, this maybe the greatest gift we give them.

What part is the greatest gift?

The War caused Deficit?
The increased terrorism?
The instability in the Middle East?
The death and maiming of their mothers and fathers?
The loss of international credibility?
The hatred incurred among the entire arab population?
The rise of a nuclear Iran?

Answer me that, Mr. "fresh start" Majority Leader.

Here's the video, via Crooks and Liars.
