Keyword: Midterm Convention

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It's been two weeks now since Walter Cronkite's NYTletter suggesting that the dems convene a midterm convention.  dKos' SneakySnu posted a diary that caught a lot of attention, and made it onto the rec'd lists.  SneakySnu was credited at a lot of the VLWC blogs with drawing attention to this.

So, where are we?  What's the BW (blogosphere wisdom - not common at all) about this idea?  Below the fold is a rundown of the dKos diaries I turned up as well as some links from around the web discussing a midterm convention.  I believe that some form of convention would offer a huge boost to the party, and do lots to improve our chances both in '06 and in '08.  What do you think?  What kind of convention do you want to see?

Wait... There's more! (5 comments, 1064 words in story)