Keyword: Mike Pence

Thanks Indy DFA and Indiana Progressives IN06 Email Print

My name is Barry Welsh and I am the Democratic Party Congressional Candidate in Indiana's 6th District.  I am running at Mike Pence, chair of the Republican Study Committee, and rising star in the Neo-Con movement.

This weekend was the Indiana State Party Convention.  More on that below.

After the convention, Indy DFA and the Indiana Progressives PAC held a meet and greet/fundraiser for our campaign.  We formally launched our campaign proudly at the Indiana Progressives Meetup several months ago, and the progressive movement here in Indiana has been super to our campaign.  I have to say thank you, again, to all of those wonderful, passionate, concerned citizens.  We might have raised enough for me to make a brief appearance at Yearly Kos!

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Congressional Candidates Wife Speaks her mind Email Print

My name is Sherri Welsh; I am the wife of Congressional Candidate Barry Welsh of Indiana's 6th District.

I have been actively participating in my husband's Congressional race opposing Mike Pence - this is my first Diary. The contents of this diary have not been vetted through my husband's press secretary or my husband or for that matter anyone else.  This diary is affording me the opportunity to speak my mind and express some of the things I see, hear and read in today's issues and commentaries as well as being connected to my husband's, Barry Welsh for Congress, campaign.


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Aren't You glad your Social Security wasn't in the stock market on Friday? Email Print

I am glad Social Security wasn't in the market.  It is also a reminder that what a congressman does in another state,or how they vote, impacts everyone. I am fighting for a Congressional Seat against Mike Pence who wants to privatize Social Security and give people the illusion of possible great wealth.  That just really makes me angry.  My mother died in September and without Social Security, I hate to think what her quality of life would have been like.  At least she did not have to suffer through the current Medicaid Prescription Drug Debacle.

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IRAQ DEAD AS FOOTBALL SCORES; or if I were ever going to curse in a title, it would be now! Email Print

I am running against Mike Pence for Congress in Indiana's 6th.  This is not asking for money, or announcing some initiative, or a PR effort.  
I am angry, I am disappointed, and I am appalled.
I reference the 11/28/05 US News and World Report
where Congressman Pence wants Iraq to be more like Football. I am angry.
It's 50 or 60,000 US vs. 2000 them.
See Below

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