Keyword: NY-03

Breaking Peter King Scandal -- Lies About Lobbyist Son! Email Print

We're all the way down to the wire, now, and Dave Mejias is poised to take out Peter King.  He's two points down in the only non-partisan poll conducted in this race, and he's just been added to the DCCC's Red to Blue list, which means that internal polling shows this race can be won.

And Mejias is a hell of a candidate -- a fighter who's willing to take the offensive.  Today, he is all over King's dishonesty regarding his access to his Lobbyist son:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 15) Email Print

Republican Congressman Peter King apparently thinks the best way to fight terrorism is to make flagrently false and defamatory statements about taxpaying Muslim Americans.  

Paula Zahn did a segment on King last night (Hat tip to the superb local blog -- Kingwatch), which made quite clear to the world what we know to be true here, that Peter King is an asshole:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 14) Email Print

As some of you may know, it is my view that Peter King is an Asshole.  Well, it now looks like I am not alone in holding that view.  New York's Newsday, Long Island's leading newspaper, is so disgusted with Peter King's racist and hypocritical campaign letter to his constituents (which I documented here), that it appears to agree that Peter King is an asshole:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 13; NY-03 Roll Call!) Email Print

One of the things that is the most offensive about Peter King, and one of the clearest signs that he qualifies as an ASSHOLE -- is his hypocricy.

Peter King likes to say that he is committed to fighting terrorism.  However, when the interests of the terror fight and big business conflict, without fail he will wave the white flag and capitulate to big business's needs. (Like the Bush Republican he is).  Today highlights yet another example of this pathetic behavior, as King makes a move to favor the Chemical industry over the protection of the American people:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 12) Email Print

When I started doing this "Peter King is an Asshole" series, I was worried it would be difficult to keep coming up with good material, day after day after day.  Fortunately, Peter King is the gift that keeps on giving.  Today, King again flexed his "asshole bonafides" by drafting legislation that hurts first responders (like police and firefighters!), charged with fighting terrorism.

King has often pretended he cared about fighting terrorism by advocating such policies as throwing the editors of the New York Times in prison and racially profiling muslims in airports.  Today, however, he shows that those stands were nothing but demagoguery.  Peter King, charged with the critically important task of overhauling FEMA, has voted to deny State and local first responders critical funds for their communications equipment, the very equipment that failed so spectacularly on 9/11, and failed again during Hurricane Katrina:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 11) Email Print

Peter King, the Republican Congressman for New York's Third District (who, as you know, is an asshole!) is running scared. He is facing for the first time in years a serious, credible, opponent who could defeat him on November 7.

As the Wall Street Journal recently reported:

Peter King, long considered safe, [was] recently added to nonpartisan analyst Stuart Rothenberg's watch list partly due to the credibility of his Democratic challenger, state legislator Dave Mejias.

So, faced with a real challenge, what does King do?  He does what he does best.  Act like an Asshole!

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 10) Email Print

As some of you may know, I am of the view that Peter King, the Republican Congressman for New York's Third District covering parts of Long Island, is an asshole.  Today, I had further confirmation that my opinion is correct.

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 9) Email Print

Peter King can't open his mouth with out sticking both of his feet half-way down his throat.  Today, he gives Bush's incompetant Secretary of Homeland Security an 18-month mulligan with respect to terrorism protection:

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NY-03: Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 8) Email Print

One thing that always sticks in my craw about Peter King, the Republican Congressman from New York's Third District in Long Island, is how he's always more interested trumpeting some right-wing hot button cause celebre than doing the hard work of figuring out what issues are important to his constituents on Long Island.

Nassau and Suffolk county residents do a lot of driving and are PISSED at higher gas prices.  Long Island residents are worried about stangnant wages, and skyrocketing health care costs, and about retirement security.

Peter King, however, seems more concerned with becoming another Anne Coulter or Rush Limbaugh.    

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Peter King (NY-03) is an Asshole (Episode 7); Mejias Speaks!! Email Print

As some of you may know, I am embarking upon an ambitious 70+ part series entitled "Peter King is an Asshole."  I am doing it, well, because Peter King IS in fact an asshole, as I have documented repeatedly in the first 6 installments of this series.  (Read the prior installments here.)

I am also doing it because this is the year we can defeat King.  New York's Third district is trending blue, and extreme right wingers like King are completely out of step with the voters in the district.  Moreover, Bush's popularity is at record lows in New York and the district, and conservative voters are likely to be depressed by the Republican prospects at the top of the ticket, with Hillary and Spitzer dominating, and will likely stay home.

But perhaps most importantly, King face a top-tier blue chip challenger, State legislator Dave Mejias.

Today, on MyDD, Dave Mejais addresses the netroots:  

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Peter King (NY-03) is an Asshole! (Episode 6) Email Print

In today's installment of "Peter King is an Asshole," here are the top ten reasons why Democrat Dave Mejias, Peter King's challenger in New York's Third District, is a candidate deserving of your support:

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Peter King (NY-03) is an Asshole! (Episode 5) Email Print

As some of you may know by now, I am running a series on Dave Mejias's challenge to Conservative republican, Bush loyalist, and asshole! Peter King, who represents New York's Third District, which covers a large swath of New York's long island.

This race presents a unique opportunity for Kossacks to get to work on and start making waves.  There are a number of factors that indicate that we can make a difference:

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Peter King (NY-03) is an Asshole! (Episode 4) Email Print

Ha!  Since I am crossposting this "Peter King is an Asshole" series on Political Cortex, it's showing up on Google News searches for "Peter King."

I can just picture some poor Peter King staffer monitoring the Google news alert and having to read this series every day, LOL.

(By the way, keep your eye on Political Cortex.  Big things are planned.  It's got an extraordinary set of writers, a sophisticated set of "tools," and a highly motivated and energetic leader (Tom Ball).  I'm predicting it's going to be one of the leading progressive blogs for the 2008 election cycle).

Anyway, here is today's episode of "Peter King is an Asshole".  If you remember in yesterday's installment, I pointed out Peter King's astonishing insensitivity on the issue of diversity in the workplace.  Well, as it turns out, King's knee-jerk hostility to minority-issues has a long history, as evidenced by the issues Peter King has chosen to champion during his tenure in the House:

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Peter King (NY-03) is an Asshole! (Episode 3) Email Print

Back when I started this series, Peter King is an Asshole, I was wondering how the hell I was going to keep this series going from now until election day, when Peter King will hopefully with our support get his butt kicked by Democratic challenger Dave Mejias.  I mean Peter King is definitely an asshole  (click the link), but will I really be able to find a fresh new example of what an asshole he is each and every day from now until fricken November 7?

Fortunately, Peter King appears to be the gift that keeps on giving (not to his constituents on Long Island, but to us local bloggers!).  The latest example of King's complete assholedness comes from just yesterday:

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Peter King is an Asshole! (Episode 2) Email Print

As some of you may know, I've decided to start local blogging the Peter King race.  Peter King is one of those long time incumbents who thinks he has a safe seat and, as a result, has lost touch with his electorate -- a middle class Long Island community which is fed up with George Bush and rapidly trending blue.  

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