Keyword: National Debt

"Debt Conscious" Tea Bag Hypocrisy and Lionizing Reagan Email Print

Thanks to some current national polling the faux Tea Party movement has been exposed even more.

Skepticism on the part of many progressives that the movement is nothing more than the same old right wing Gingrich, Norquist, Rove, Armey, DeLay crowd dressed up in a phony label to make it sound refreshingly new and patriotic have been vindicated.

How nauseating it is to listen to those earnest pronouncements that this is a grassroots populist movement historically extending from Boston Tea Party resistance.  These are supposedly individuals concerned about the impact debt is generating on American society.  They are determined to do something about it, and so this line of argument proceeds.

Recent national polling strips more bark from the fallacious Tea Party tree.  There appear to be two active levels of the Tea Party.  The first group is comprised of a mentality akin to Storm Troopers that got rough on Berlin's streets when they had superior numbers and passed out literature in the period before Hitler's securing of power.  

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Tax "Cuts" Give Average Families a Burger and Fries Email Print

Congress is extending tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans again, but at a great cost to the rest of us.  Sure, our representatives tell us they help all Americans, but that's not true - unless you think all Americans are helped by giving workers who make under $40,000 a year a refund of LESS than $17, while those who make over $1 million a year will get about $43,000.

Why are we giving $43,000 to people who already have more money than most of us will ever earn in a lifetime?

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Is This the Worst Congress in U.S. History? Email Print

It is a given that Bush very likely will go down in U.S. history as the worst president the nation ever had.  His Iraq War debacle with the likes of Wolfowitz and Perle beating the war drums, along with Cheney and war profiteering allies Halliburton, Bush and his team of destroyers, have demonstrated worthiness for the dubious honor of America's worst ever administration.

But it took a robot Congress to follow the pied piper of destruction, George W. Bush.  While we are at it, let's not forget the Republican right wing fanatics who fantasize they've got God on their side.  Where in their allegedly holy Bible they found validation for killing individuals or warring against nations that have not threatened us remains a mystery.

To hear them singing their hymns in church, praying for God to guide them in this nightmare killing spree that they have been backing is the height of hypocrisy.  Those prayers don't reach any higher than their warped heads.

To generate a civil war in Iraq and dare to claim you have brought democracy and freedom, which might spread across the entire Middle East, is one for the shrinks.  

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BREAKING EXPOSE'? National Debt Ceiling to be breached again Email Print

An observation: the run away Bush National Debt. which stood at $8.1 trillion on 12/15 will soon hit the National Debt Ceiling that was raised in November of 2004 to $8.18 Trillion (yes, after the election).

A simple estimation shows that the Federal Government will default on its payments, effectively a bankruptcy, from around the 12th of January, if not earlier, unless the Congress plays along with this grotesque mismanagement by Bush, Cheney & Co and raises the debt ceiling again.

Being X-posted across: Daily Kos, My Left Wing, Booman Tribune, myDD, political Cortex. Volunteers for posting this at Democratic Underground (I can't post a new topic there yet) are welcome.

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