Keyword: Neglect of Poor in Los Angeles

Reagan, Thatcher, Friedman -- The Grand Triumvirate of Corporate Greed Email Print

In what amounts to a tragic sea of corporate packaged trivia featuring the likes of various "Survivor" format programs and entertainment gossip shows featuring whatever Paris Hilton has done lately, "60 Minutes" continues as a gem of informative magazine format programming.

What marks "60 Minutes" apart from the aforementioned commercial offerings is an unrelenting determination to tackle the big issues facing America and the world.  If these issues happen to be controversial and hard-hitting, so much the better.  

It was "60 Minutes" that provided Seymour Hersh with an opportunity to cut through Cheney-Bush spin control and provide facts on what is really happening in Iraq and how that tragedy occurred.  

We also saw Leslie Stahl interview the bombastic Ahmad Chalibi and give him the opportunity to reveal himself as the charlatan he is, the highly paid huckster who sold the "weapons of mass destruction" argument to the O'Reillys and Hannitys of the world.

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