Keyword: Nude

And Now, For something Completely Different Email Print

An estimated 18,000 to 20,000 people lined up naked in Mexico City's Zocalo Square in response to a call from U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick. Photo by Claudio Cruz Associated Press

In a time such as this and in a world such as ours, amid all the insanity, the madness, the violence and greed, the struggles and wars for domination and control of wealth and resources there appeared yesterday a brief shining moment of sanity and humor, of trust and beauty and just possibly an enormous expression of plain, simple, human love and freedom.

La Ciudad de Mexico may have proven herself to be the most civilized place on this free falling old blob as 18000 of her people exposed themselves to the world as the most beautiful, urbane, orderly, and for awhile at least, the most scantily clad group of folks ever assembled anywhere.

Wait... There's more! (564 words in story)