Keyword: Oil as Motive for Iraq War

Nationalizing Oil Could Help Solve U.S.A.'s Economic Collapse! Email Print

Why not nationalize oil?  If the Treasury Department can bail out banks with $700 billion, to keep credit available, nationalize oil.  

Ex-fed chief Alan Greenspan stated in his memoir "The Age of Turbulence" on page 463 the following:  "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows.  The Iraq War is largely about oil."

The oil contract the U.S. has tried for years to get Iraq to sign is for long-term foreign leases on 63 of Iraq's 80 oil wells, leaving 17 in charge of Iraq.

So, it would appear that if what Alan Greenspan says is accurate, what is needed now, of course, to be 100% fair, is an impartial objective analysis of the individuals and organizations, including the entire media, to determine responsibility for the Iraq War and the driving motives involved.

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