Keyword: Opposition to Nelson Mandela

Cheney Preaches Democracy but Supported Apartheid Email Print

The Cheney-Bush Junta engages in hypocrisy on a regular basis.  One of the cruelest instances, however, has been the current effort to promote democracy in the Middle East in the face of a record of enmity toward the process it ardently claims to promote.

While the high-flown statements persist that the Bushies are seeking via the Iraq War to export democracy to the Middle East its own track record at home is less than enviable.  Using the Patriot Act and seeking to elevate the war on terror to a 24-hour a day emergency extending beyond a war declaration to invade the privacy and curtail basic constitutional liberties is far from a laudable practice of democracy.

Then there are the two presidential elections that the Bushies claim to have won, and that are immersed in shameful, muddy mires of corruption and shame.  

The longer the investigation on the election front continues, whether it be the misdeeds of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris in Florida, those of Ken Blackwell in Ohio, or the activities of Diebold in the vote counting process, the result is the same, an ever-extending record of deceitful corruption.

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