Keyword: Policy

Bush Administration Foreign and Domestic Policy : An Illustrated Primer Email Print

Step One: Dig deeply. Use all available resources to root out everything that you deem counterproductive and offensive. Try to do so in a discreet manner, but do not be afraid to offend some people publicly if you must.

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193 Million New Immigrants Could be Poison Pill in GOP Immigration Plans Email Print

"In his speech," President Bush "outlined a plan to start patrolling the US-Mexican border using members of the National Guard. He said that this will give us the most secure border in the world. One weekend a month and two full weeks each summer."
-- Jay Leno (05/15/06)

"President Bush is going to address the nation Monday night on the immigration issue. Bush said he would have given the address tonight, but they couldn't get the 'mission accomplished' sign finished in Spanish soon enough."

-- Jay Leno (05/15/06)

"On Thursday, the President will follow up his speech by going to the Arizona border, which will be historic. It will be the first time he's ever actually showed up with a National Guard unit."

-- Jay Leno (05/15/06)

Last night, Bush announced that he will use the National Guard to help secure the nation's border with Mexico against illegal immigrants -- a response to one of the many issues on which Bush holds low public approval (A Newsweek poll last week found 61% disapproving of President Bush's handling of immigration. A CBS News/New York Times poll from the previous week showed 58% disapproved.)

And although administration officials are denying that 'Mr Bush [is] trying to assuage congressional Republican concerns over border security' and 'mollify the Republican base' with his Immigration speech last night, pundits and the media paint a starkly different and more realistic picture.

Wait... There's more! (816 words in story)

Tony Snow Allowed to CREATE Administration Policy Email Print

Imagine if Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter were selected to help determine national policy in the White House. How would you feel about that? Would Oxycontin become an over-the-counter drug? Would all Democrats go to jail for 'treason'?

Who cares! It'll never happen... ...or will it?

Introducing Tony Snow, an equally ideologically-driven, though less toxically expressed right-wing pundit recently selected by the White House to serve as their official mouthpiece.

Following in the footsteps of past media punching bags Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan, Tony will take the podium to crush journalistic softballs and distract the American public from various inconvenient affairs.

Under normal circumstances, such news is unsurprising and unworthy of our scarce attention. Unfortunately, this circumstance moves with a bit of a twist. It seems Mr. Snow is insisting that he, as an administration spokesperson, a former speechwriter, and a long-time conservative propagandist, have a groping hand in the actual development of current White House policy -- something unheard of in past administrations.

Wait... There's more! (2 comments, 601 words in story)