Keyword: Political Spin Control

Health Care and Budgetary Spin Control Email Print

One of the factors generating disgust and driving people away from the political process is excessive spin control, the art of telling the public one thing while initiating feints and doing something else.

The current health care bill features an excise tax on so-called Cadillac health plans, conveying the instant impression of a rich guy out for a spin, living the life of luxury.  The idea is that this is the guy who will provide a break for Joe Six Pack based on the excise tax that will generate funds that in turn will assist the middle class.

According to Bob Herbert's reading of what is happening, revealed in his December 29 New York Times column, the tax will "kick in" on plans exceeding $23,000 annually for family coverage and $8,500 for individuals, beginning in 2013.

Now here is the story on what is considered wealth and how it will play out:

Wait... There's more! (456 words in story)