Keyword: Political Strategy

Bush: "These boys and girls are not spare parts" Email Print

"The president is not going to get on the slippery slope of taking something living and making it dead for the purposes of scientific research," explained White House spokesman Tony Snow.

Sadly, Bush is more concerned about "something" living instead of someone.

-- Sploid

Apparently 'murder' isn't a sufficiently toxic frame for Bush's stem-cell propaganda. Now the president is Luntzing toward Hell with a whole new, but equally reprehensible, frame -- 'BODY PARTS'!

Hiding in the deep recesses of the White House, the cowardly Bush extracted his head from Cheney's ass just long enough to veto the stem-cell research bill, a move that desperately panders to social fundamentalists while potentially co-opting the lives and health of millions of real people. You know, the ones that are actually alive -- known and ignored by 'social conservatives' as the 'post-born'.

Wait... There's more! (661 words in story)