Keyword: Republican Corporate Greed

The Iraq War is "Largely about oil"! Email Print

Robert Colbert of Seattle in a September 11 letter to the Editors at the Seattle Times wrote the following under the headline: A MOMENT FOR INNOCENTS:

"On the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Americans should be reminded that more than 3,200 people were killed that day.  Americans should also be reminded that, according to Iraq Body Count, roughly 7,000 Iraqi civilians were killed by U.S. forces in the first six weeks of the U.S. attack on Iraq.

"Although the majority of civilian deaths in Iraq these days are due to sectarian violence, there is ample evidence that U.S. forces continue to kill civilians, thus the number is clearly much higher."

Bluntly Colbert tells the tragic reality of the Iraq War.  It cannot help but question the Republicans who refuse to stop the war as the American voters flushed so many Republicans out of office in 2006 to try desperately to stop the Iraq killing.  

Wait... There's more! (760 words in story)