Keyword: Republican Extremism

Progressive Democrat Newsletter Issue 161 Email Print

Today on Current TV I heard a headline that some of the virtual currencies in online games are now worth more than the dollar. That CAN'T be true. But apparently a study showed that some virtual currencies carry more weight than the US dollar. Well, I haven't been able to follow up that story, and I am sure it really is more a faux entertainment kind of story than a real one. But it is indicative of how far the dollar has fallen under Bush's "leadership." I work with many foreigners from around the world. They all tell me how weak the dollar is...they are all AMAZED at how weak the dollar is. From Spain, Israel, France, Peru, Russia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and many other nations they all tell me they are amazed at how weak the dollar is. It used to be that nations around the world tied their currency to the dollar as a way of stabilizing their currency. Now some of those nations have abandoned the dollar standard in favor of the Euro. Right now the Euro and the British pound reign supreme. The dollar is becoming a sad, backwards currency.

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