Keyword: Republican Senators

A Winter Soldier Speech on Healthcare Email Print

Link to Original Testimony /2004/2/20/john_kerry_then_ hear_kerrys_historic

A New Winter Soldier Speech Regarding Healthcare
By Tom Wieliczka

I've revised Senator John Kerry's 1971 Winter Soldier Speech to Congress, from being about The Vietnam War to being about Healthcare.

I simply took Senator Kerry's words:  

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake."

and converted that portion of his speech into one concerning healthcare and and people that get red-flagged or go through rescission with their health claims.

These are the revised last five paragraphs of that original speech.....

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Help confirm Alito - MUHAHAHAHAHA! Email Print

this is what the "center for individual freedom" is asking people to send to president bush and the 55 republican members of congress in support of the confirmation of samuel alito to the u.s. supreme court... i suggest that all of us make a few small changes and send it right along...

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