Keyword: Republican Women

Newton Leroy Gingrich, The Language of the Liar Email Print

Newton Leroy Gingrich, seen at the American Enterprise Institute. Reuters file photo.

My maternal Grandparents came to this country from Sicily before the First World War, I never knew my Grandfather as he died in 1946 when I was two years old on the very day that my brother was born. I did however know well, my round, sweet, wonderful smelling, ugly shoes, Sicilian Grandmother whose words I didn't always understand but whose meaning was always unmistakable, a large lovely sometimes frightening woman who fed me incredibly well and often, and taught me to behave with her air of peasant efficiency, lessons she delivered in a warm and colorful language, with a sharp and colorful tongue and a gentle hand.

Grandma DeCarlo spoke a thickly accented English flavored with untranslatable phrases of peasant Sicily but she understood, and made herself understood in English well enough to become a citizen, a member of the American work force, a property owner, the matriarch of a proud clan and the mother of a son who landed at Anzio Beach in a return to Italy that was no pleasure cruise, and something that Newton Leroy Gingrich has approximately zero understanding of.

She was a far better person, and I believe, a better American than Newton Leroy Gingrich will ever dream of being.

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