Keyword: Rod Blagojevich

We Talk About Impeaching Blagojevich! How About Bush and Cheney? Email Print

The former author and former Roosevelt justice department member Thurman Arnold formulated a truism that impressed many of us who have read it, and that I will attempt to pass along by paraphrase.

In referring to numerous statutes on the books condemning various living room and bedroom moral practices abhorred in certain biblical passages as well as what passed as "polite society" Thurmond noted that citizens insist that such passages be enacted since it makes us feel moral but openly shun them because of an insistence that we will do what we please.

Frank Rich's column last Sunday in the New York Times on the swiftness of condemnations of Illinois Governor Rod Bagojevich alongside the corruption of pillory and destruction of U.S. democracy and the Constitution makes the Illinoisan look comparatively like a naughty choir boy grabbing some spare change from a collection plate.

Take those meetings of the leading nations of the New World Order in Cheney's office along, including his own company of Halliburton, the no-bid contracts that ensued culminating with death, destruction and occupation in Iraq to set the super rich of the corporate world in power and Blagojevich's activities shrink all the more.

Wait... There's more! (540 words in story)