Keyword: Scott Ritter

The Neocon Neanderthal Answer: Blame France! Email Print

If the question were asked to name the most childish international diplomatic ploy ever made a good instant response might be the pre-Iraq War tragic scenario where France was blamed for alleged wimp-like behavior for not immediately following the White House neoconservative rush to war.

This childish behavior was implemented by the symbolic act of the previously named French toast, which has endured for years, and changing it to freedom toast when served on Air Force One, the plane that transports George W. Bush.

Such a gesture befit the occasion of a robust nation flexing its muscles and launching a war in the best tradition of Rambo.

Who was France's leader during that period?  Who was the force urging that the launching of the first wave of shock and awe be withheld until it could be determined by a UN weapons inspection team headed by Hans Blix of Sweden that the alleged weapons actually existed?  

Wait... There's more! (743 words in story)

Iraq: The Power of Truth In A War Based On Lies Email Print

On March 25th, 2006, Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Faiza Al-Araji, and Medea Benjamin spoke to a crowd of about 300 people at the First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto. The title for the evening was Iraq: The Power of Truth in A War Based on Lies. It was an incredible evening, hearing from people with unparalleled experience in the events leading up to this war and the ongoing results. The attendees learned a lot, had many things they already believed to be true affirmed, got some provocative and controversial new perspectives, and heard some of the anger and frustration from the presenters and each other. At times fingers were pointed, tears were shed, hackles were raised, conspiracy theories were floated, objections were shouted, a few laughs were chuckled and some chords of Kum Ba Ya were sang.

In all, it was an amazing evening.

The following morning, during worship at First Presbyterian Church in Palo Alto, I shared a prayer for Scott Ritter. Because of that prayer, several people asked that I write up my reflections on the evening, and what prompted my prayer for Scott, so that others who had been there that evening could understand my interpretation of what happened. Plus, for those who were not there, a lot of important information and ideas warrant discussion.

The following represents my reflections on the Power of Truth In A War Based On Lies, and the people who made that evening come to life.

Wait... There's more! (6121 words in story)