Keyword: Steve Saland

Senator Clinton Endorses Brian Keeler, NYBri Email Print


Senator Clinton Endorses Keeler for New York State Senate

Senator Hillary Clinton endorsed Brian Keeler in his race for the New York State Senate in the 41st District, which includes most of Dutchess and all of Columbia County.

"Brian Keeler is a rising star in the New York State Democratic Party, and Dutchess and Columbia Counties will be well served in Albany by his vision, energy and ideas," Senator Clinton said. "We look forward to partnering with Brian in the years ahead to bring open government, accountability and fiscal responsibility to Albany and Washington."

"We are thrilled to receive this important endorsement," Keeler said. "Senator Clinton has been a wonderful advocate for the people of New York in Washington. I intend to be the same kind of advocate in Albany for people of the 41st District."

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NYBri is Crashing the Gate and Running for Office Email Print

"Brian Keeler is one of the most intelligent and dedicated people in internet politics, and his devotion to making people's lives better, every day and in every way, cannot be too highly praised."

--Sterling Newberry


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After clacking away at the keyboard for ePluribus Media, Political Cortex, Dailykos, My Left Wing and Booman Tribune, I was inspired by Markos and Jerome to push it aside and Crash a Gate or two myself and run for the New York State Senate. This Thursday, I'm announcing my candidacy at Waryas Park along the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie, New York.

The New York state government is, like so many others around the county, a total mess and completely inaccessible. Decisions are made behind locked, back rooms doors of Albany, and the only people who are allowed in to play are those who pay. The result? We end up with the best government their money can buy. It's totally alienating to the citizens of the state. We have no say in the important issues that concern our daily lives...Health Care, Property Taxes, Education and the Environment. Literally, a sad State of affairs.

I've been waiting for someone here to stand up to my 16-year Republican incumbent and challenge him to do more for the people of New York, not just the special interests who line his campaign pockets...but I'm not the kind who would ask someone to do something I wasn't willing to do myself. So last month, I stood up and and said, "No more!"

Wait... There's more! (9 comments, 900 words in story)