Keyword: Supply Side Economics

Out of the Mess by the End of 2009? Pass the Kool Aid! Email Print

Listen, it will just take a little initiative and folks pulling together to get us out of this economic crisis.  In fact, we are hearing from some economic quarters that this can be accomplished by the end of 2009.

This rosy scenario smacks a great deal more of liberal helpings of Pollyanna prepared Kool Aid consumption rather than coming to grips with the solid reality of America's economic posture vis-à-vis the global picture.

The whole "no sweat, we've been in trouble before and we'll get out of it like we always do" is a type of Superman ultimately weathering the storm designed to create a "feel good" response to circumstances that multiply and carry a deadly ripple effect.

Many applauded at the time Richard Nixon in 1971 sent us on a calamitous road when he overturned the structure of the Breton Woods Agreement skillfully crafted by U.S. representative Harry Dexter White.  Nixon floated the dollar, removing its correlation to gold, which had been adopted as a means of protecting currency value.

Wait... There's more! (699 words in story)